The Construction Source

environmental stewardship, and community relations. When it comes to quality control, meanwhile, the company’s commitment is also reflected in industry certification. In fact, in 2004, they were one of the first in their industry to become third party certified by the Woodmark Quality System – which is the first quality management specifically designed for the wood products manufacturing industry. This certification reviews all materials and standard operating procedures and is audited yearly to ensure quality standards are being met. And when it comes to earning that certification and passing those audits, Dave once again credits the company’s own proprietary manufacturing software, which they use to maximize control over all parts of the manufacturing process. He also says they conduct work-in-process quality checks at strategic points throughout the manufacturing cycle, rather than just a final check of a ready-to-go product. That vigilance is important, Dave explains, because when defects are detected earlier in the cycle, reworks can be integrated without causing delays or incomplete shipments. In addition, after their product is installed, AyA Kitchens dispatches a field supervisor within two days to do an inspection. At that stage, their proprietary software continues to come in handy – as the supervisor will conduct the inspection on a tablet running the software, which allows them to review the original order design, take photos of the completed product, record any deficiencies, and if necessary order service parts directly from the field. MAY 2023