The Construction Source

No better place In addition to building longlasting relationships with clients, Crosier Kilgour also builds long-term relationships with employees. Derek and Haney are two prime examples – Derek has been with the firm for 26 years and Haney for 20 years. Both say that kind of longevity is typical, and they credit that retention to the firm’s “family atmosphere.” “We invest a lot of effort into building culture,” Derek says. “We routinely have social events for the company. Sometimes that’s just for staff, sometimes it’s for plus-ones and sometimes it’s for entire families. We bring people together and we try to make sure that everybody has the opportunity to meet each other and know each other.” Haney admits that fostering that culture was simpler when the team was smaller, but that they have worked hard to maintain close relationships with team members even as the company grows. As part of that JUNE 2023