The Construction Source

“We have a lot of alliances with mechanical contractors so they would call us whenever they have any automation needs in their projects. There are some of us who have been working together for eight, nine years.” VT Controls has ambitious plans for future growth and expansion that includes a push to expand services and their geographical coverage. In the area of technology, an increased emphasis on the energy sector is on the list. “We are hoping in the next five years to get more and more into the energy business, energy optimization, dashboarding more…how our customers would like to maximize their energy,” Rami explains. Providing raw data to customers and working more in data mining are also on their future to-do list. From the perspective of advancing their coverage area, VT Controls has a vision to reach beyond their current geographic base in a number of directions including expanding west to British Columbia. “The next one would be moving down to the States,” Rami says. DECEMBER 2023