The Construction Source

overseas, and they can use their 30,000-square-foot warehouse to store them. They can also help with sales and marketing, as they have their own marketing director and their own sales office. “We offer all of those services to our clients,” Arthur says. “If they need help with any part of the real estate development process, we’re there for them.” Home buyers are drawn to Sunrise for many of the same reasons. In particular, customers appreciate the company’s cost certainty. That’s especially true in a postpandemic market, where there is a lot of uncertainty in the cost of construction materials. Sunrise can partly combat that uncertainty thanks to their warehousing capability – whenever they’re ordering materials that can fluctuate in price for one project, they make sure to always order more so that they’ll have it in stock for the next project. Sunrise also invests a lot of time and attention into the planning phase of a project, which is another key to providing cost certainty. They make sure that they fully understand the clients wants and needs from the beginning, and they make sure the client fully understands what they will be getting and for what price. “We know that not all clients understand the business as well as us,” Arthur says. “So we need to spend a lot of time with them in the planning and discovery phase.” As part of that phase, Sunrise also utilizes 3D modelling, which they find to be invaluable when it comes to aligning expectations with clients. “If we use just a 2Dmodel, that’s easy for us as experts to be able to understand, but for some clients it’s difficult. It’s hard for them to envision themselves in a space. It’s hard to picture how the different elements may interfere with each other.” 3D modelling, however, gives clients the ability to “really experience the space before signing off.” That experience ultimately leads to a lot less variations and changes later in the process. Those changes are typically where the risk for a builder comes in. By spending a lot of time with clients up-front, Sunrise avoids that risk. OCTOBER 2022