
overstated. “The best way I can explain it is that we count every stud and every nail when we’re doing our preliminary estimates,” Jon explains. “We put a lot of effort into quantifying everything. If you can quantify everything, you canmore accurately predict the final cost and there’s less variability in the final cost. There are companies that just take per-square-foot-pricing approaches, but that’s not what we do. Everything we can possibly quantify, we quantify. It’s a bit more work up-front, but it results in much better outcomes.” “Even on a design-build project where we don’t have plans, we’re still counting studs as we design it,” he adds. “As we’re designing the building, we’re figuring out what we need to buy, how much of it, and then we’re going to market to find out exactly what it costs that day – because prices are always changing. That allows us to be extremely cost-competitive and it allows us to keep the pricing realistic because we’re not building in contingencies for risk, which I think is what usually happens.” “I will admit that these past few years are more challenging because of price volatility,” he says. “There’s more price volatility than we’ve ever seen. But there are ways to deal with that. If we work with the client in a progressive way through the design and the build, we can make sure their project is achieved at the best possible cost.” Greystone also strives to achieve the best possibly quality of work, which is another important pillar undergirding their industryleading reputation. Jon credits THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA