
their reputation: “We get a lot of repeat business, we get a lot of references, and a lot of our clients come to us directly,” he explains. “A lot of that is reputation-based. It comes from people having experience with us and the way we do projects.” “Our approach is very teamoriented,” he says. “We’re not adversarial, and we’re very predictable. We don’t like unpredictability when it comes or schedules. We take a designbuild approach because that’s what we’re good at, but also because it allows us to give our clients a clear picture of what their final cost will be really early on in the process. That’s what we want to do; we want to give them that clear picture. We want to be predictable. We’re not a fan of playing the change-order game. There are a lot of contractors that make their living that way, but that’s not us.” As builders with their own inhousedevelopmentexperience, Greystone is also especially equipped to help guide clients through every step of the development process. Along the way, they can provide wellinformed suggestions that not only contribute to the aesthetic of the building, but also to the building’s functionality and long-term performance. “We have team members who have a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge in all aspects of drafting, design, building, and development,” Jon says. “We can make excellent recommendations.” Again, Greystone is also predictable when it comes to pricing – for clients, the value of that predictability cannot be GREYSTONE