The Construction Source

A better society Sotirios believes that what sets him apart as a building designer is his background in both architecture and construction. Notonlydidhestudyundersome of the greatest architectural educators in the world – he received his professional degree in architecture at the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of the Cooper Union in New York, and he received his M.Arch studying history and theory of architecture with Alberto PérezGómez at McGill University, Montreal – but he also grew up earning practical experience on job sites. “I had a hands-on education,” he says. “For decades, growing up, I was wearing a hard hat and steel toed boots. I was laying bricks and mixing mud and mortar and watching the whole performance of construction. That gives me an advantage. I know that world inside out. Most people in architecture and design do not.” On Sherbrook Flats, he says THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA Photo: James Brittain