The Construction Source

and we’ve been able to bring a workforce from across Canada and put them together in one team.” Another key driver of growth, Ryan believes, is the company’s technical ability. For example, they have multiple QP certifications attesting to their ability to apply coatings – and “not every company is able to get those, they are rather difficult to get, you have to go through difficult audits,” Ryan explains. In addition, a lot of the company’s management staff have NACE certifications, which certify inspectors with commercial coating expertise to spot issues and recommend the best protective solutions for any conditions – “so even though we’re not out there doing inspections, the people that are estimating and bidding the projects have a basic understanding of the technical requirements that an inspector would have in the field.” Furthermore, Park Derochie is dedicated to “making things easy” for their customers – and Ryan believes that dedication has also been a factor in their growth. “We’re always thinking about how we can communicate better,” he explains. “How can we communicate progress better, how can we communicate cost better, how can we better communicate the impact of technical deviations – we’re always trying to figure out how to do it better, because the better we can do it, the easier it is for our clients to communicate to their stakeholders.” “We’re also able to suggest unique solutions to technical problems,” he adds. They are able to do that partly due to the depth of their in-house expertise, but also partly because they have such strong relationships with suppliers: “We can reach out to a supplier and say ‘Hey, our client has this need,’” Ryan explains. “We can say ‘This is the product on the specification but the schedule won’t allow for this product to be applied as needed. Do you have an alternative product? Do you have an alternative application method?’ Because we have those strong relationships with our suppliers, we’re able to come and put forward solutions. I think our clients really appreciate that.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA