The Construction Source

Melissa says what sets their family business apart and continues to attract and retain luxury clients is their extremely high standard for detail. “We make sure that every detail in these custom homes is done with precision, we’re looking at every surface from multiple angles and we’re making sure that the finishing is done to last. That everything can be done to perfection, if the client desires it,” says Melissa. Especially for higher-end, custom-designed homes, attention to details and precision matters. According to Melissa, each home is different, and the decorative elements often attract lots of attention, so making sure the painting and finishing is “picture-perfect” is what the company strives for. “A lot of custom homes right now are really driven by architectural details,” she says. “They’re not these standard boxes that we can go in and just spray. There’s a lot of detail in it.” Colin Griffinson Inc. is also known for the depth of their service offering, which is a great value add for contractors. When a client wants a decorative finish, Melissa says that the company is able to coordinate and manage the entire process – from the drywallers to the millworkers – and maintain the standard that’s required for that decorative finish without having to go through multiple companies and risking any fallout in communication. “It’s all well managed and taken care of,” says Melissa. The quality of the company’s work also speaks for itself. Melissa says most of their business comes APRIL 2024