The Construction Source

“I don’t usually have a budget,” he adds. “I typically just finish the home to as high a standard as I can possibly finish it. The people who come through these homes can see that and feel that. I think that feeling is what our clients respond to. I think that’s why the company has been so successful.” In addition, Cody is personally involved in every aspect of every home he builds. He takes pride in that personal involvement and never wants to grow to the point where it’s compromised: “I never want to grow to the point where I can’t be personally involved with every project,” he says. “I want to be able to be on-site. I want to be there to ensure the workmanship and the quality is being delivered to the standard I expect.” Of course, Cody can’t do everything himself. He also relies on a roster of dedicated and talented subcontractors – those are partners that he carefully vets, and if they can’t perform to his expectations after two jobs they won’t work for him again. “I’ve gone through some different trades throughout the years,” he says. “Not everyone can deliver the workmanship and quality that I demand, so I’ve had to some searching around. I just feel like sometimes you have to request perfection.” “At the same time, I also have some trades who have been with me right from my very first personal house until now,” he adds. “I couldn’t do what I do without them.” One of the company’s subcontractors is VersaPile – they are a Winnipegbased company of experts when it comes to the design THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA Photo: Suite Six Design