The Construction Source

(877) 259-1528 LEGACYBUILDINGSOLUTIONS.COM and the next client will say ‘I would never do anything else.’ We understand that and we’re able to fulfill the visions of both those clients.” Again, Ernest says, Quinis’ experience and expertise is especially valuable when it comes to making a project function effectively. Function, he says, is the really exciting part of a project for him, and can never be sacrificed over Form. “We can make something pretty, no problem, we do that every day,” he says. Function is where our expertise comes in. And the function is so important in an equestrian facility. You’re taking an animal that is normally, by nature, outside, and you’re bringing it into a controlled environment. That environment has to be safe and healthy. The light, the water, the air – everything has to be planned just right.” Understanding and managing the climate of a barn is much more challenging than controlling the climate of a residential home, Ernest explains: “A horse at rest in a stall generates the natural heat and “off-gas” of about 10 people,” he says. “When you have horse that has been exercised and is hot, that number jumps to about 30 – one horse in a stall is like having 30 people in that stall. So if you have 10 stalls and you have 10 horses that have recently been ridden, that’s like having 300 people in that barn.” Then there’s the last leg of the stool – the budget. Ernest emphasizes the importance of that leg, as it’s the most JULY 2023