The Construction Source

Mike also credits the response to the beauty of the project. He says it “completely adds life” to the corner its on, for example, and he also commends the well-received public art by Blessing Hancock, a celebrated sculpture artist with work all over the world. For Park West, she designed a piece called ‘Alluvii’ – a series of three sculptures that integrate nature and new technology with a overall theme of innovation and new experiences. Mike says Park West has not only been well-recieved by residents, it’s also been recognized by the wider community. For example, the District of North Vancouver has an ‘Advisory Design Panel’ that reviews development applications and public projects against urban design objectives. Every year, that panel also annually present awards to encourage excellence in design and to recognize projects that significantly contribute to the built environment of the district. Last year, they awarded Park West their ‘Design Award of Excellence.’ In particular, the panel commended Park West for its site plan. They praised the development team for locating the massing to protect views and accommodate new pedestrian and vehicle connections. They also extolled the “excellent pedestrian spaces” around the transit stop, plaza, and one-way road; and they said that the various architectural details “give a relatively large development a more refined sense of scale.” Keltic shared that award with architect Rafii Architects and landscape architect PFS Studio. Another important contributor was general contractor Graham Construction – they JULY 2023