The Construction Source

Getting in the middle From the perspective of buyers and future residents, Alkarim believes that 90 Alexander Ave stands out for a number of reasons. The main reason is that it offers “connection” – connection to both the community and to other residents. “With high rise buildings, you jump into an elevator, and then you ride that thing 10, 20, 30 floors – how are you supposed to build connection with your neighbours?” Alkarim asks. “With a mid-rise building, there are a lot more opportunities. This is six storeys with commercial space on the main floor. You can walk around the space, you can see the top of the building, you can hang out. We’re not silo-ing people.” In general, Alkarim says that RNDSQR excels at building good relationships with buyers and end-users, no matter the project. He believes that’s a credit to the way they market themselves and the kind of MARCH 2022