
the expertise and experience to make those decisions in the field at the right times. I think that’s a huge part of why are buildings perform so well.” The experience part, Jon says, is particularly valuable. He believes the experience of their team is why they are so effective: “You have to make mistakes in order to learn,” he says. “But they only make those mistakes once, and then they make the change going forward so it never happens again. That’s what makes our team so special. That experience is so important.” “That can be difficult to explain to clients,” he adds. “It’s not something they see when they are comparing two bids. But I think when they talk to our references and look at our past projects; I think that’s when they start to understand.” In addition to their in-house team, Greystone works with a longstanding roster of “amazing sub-trades and suppliers,” according to Shelby Robertson, Project Coordinator. “We almost always end up working with the same trades,” Shelby explains, “because they know our program and because they just do amazing work. They have the same mentality we do – which is, ‘do it right the first time,’ that way they don’t have to come back and fix it later on. They take a very smart and forward-thinking approach to the work they’re doing.” “They also provide fair pricing and they’re very cognizant of schedule,” adds Jon. “That’s why they continue to get work from us, and we continue to have success together.” Some of those relationships with those regular subtrades predate even Jon – some go back over 10 years, some go back 15 years, a few even go back to the company’s very inception. “Those partners are a critical component our business,” Jon says. “They’re another key reason we’re able to achieve such good outcomes.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA