Keystone Environmental

building a strong corporate culture and retaining staff. “We want Keystone Environmental to be a place where people come for a career, not just a job,” he says. “That’s been a big focus of ours for several years. We’re committed to providing a career path for everyone who works here.” That commitment is reflected in the makeup of Keystone Environmental’s senior staff. All the department heads, except for two have been with the company for at least 10 years. They all started in junior positions and promoted based on their performance. “Our goal is to one day be a company where we’re only hiring people directly from universities and then only promoting from within,” Raminder says. “We want to provide career paths. We want to give people opportunities. That’s extremely important to us.” Mike Farnsworth, Senior Project Manager and Team Lead, is a good example of someone who’s walked that path – he joined the company in 2005 and has been there ever since. “There’s a core team of us with over 15 years’ experience with the company,” Mike explains. “There are about 12 of us now, and two of those people have been here over 25 years. That shows you something about this company. Once you get hired here, you want to stay. I think that might be hard to say about other companies.” Mike, personally, says he’s stayed with the company partly because of how interesting the work is. Keystone Environmental works in a THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE CANADA Withafoosballtableintheheadofficelunchroom, the company’s culture encourages employees to work hard and play hard.