Fifth Ave Real Estate Marketing

F I FTH AVENUE Peerage Realty is a partner in the dynamic Fifth Avenue team. Squires mentions the company’s partnership with Peerage Realty and motions towards its contribution to Fifth Avenue’s tremendous growth. “When we partnered with Peerage Realty, we had more backing,” notes Squires. “We have had tremendous growth, especially in the last year. We also acquired a company called Epic Real Estate Solutions.” Alongside Fifth Avenue’s tremendous growth recently, its portfolio outlines successful and award-winning projects which speak to the quality and care that the team at Fifth Avenue deliver to customers. While the company’s home office is located in Surrey, Fifth Avenue continues to build local brands to connect with a broader reach of customers. “Over the last eighteen years we have had projects everywhere. We have increased local brand growth. We bought Epic to run on their own, but we work together. We also started BakerWest, an attribute to Baker (also a Peerage company), which is the biggest project marketing firm in Ontario and Quebec. For the island, we are working with The Condo Group. By working with local brands, we can meet pretty much any diverse needs within a local area” notes Squires. While Fifth Avenue has history to attest to its quality of service, Squires points to its vision and versatility as key factors in its continued success. “Having worked with developers for so long,” Squires adds, “we have acquired a developer mindset. We put the needs of the developer client first. We are very honest. We always look from the developers’ point of view--like risk, timing, unitmix, target markets. We advise the pros and cons and risk involved.” Perhaps the most integral part of this company’s success is its diverse, versatile, and interdisciplinary team. For any project, Fifth Avenue has a team that can help with the needs of