Beljan Developments

the opportunity came up to join the team, I jumped on it. I’m thrilled to be a part of it.” Over the last decade, Beljan has delivered a variety of boutique projects; each of them in line with the company’s founding vision. Chris says that the Beljan team has invested a lot of time and energy into every one of them – and they have all required that investment, he explains, because “they are usually very difficult projects to take on,” and “the margins are usually tight.” “There’s not a lot of room for error,” he says. “That’s because we want to make sure that the end product we’re delivering is meaningful and really executes the vision that we originally set out when we acquired the property. We don’t want to stray from the vision because of budget constraints or for the sake of improving the margins.” Beljan Developments can stay so committed, Chris says, because their investors are likeminded. They recognize that the company is trying to do something different. That’s what they signed on for. “Our partners that invest with us, they come in with the same mindset,” Chris says. “They understand that we’re not about creating high-velocity, highreturn projects. They are more meaningful projects. In the words of some our investors, they’re ‘legacy projects.’” “Our investors understand that if they wanted to make the big margins they’d be doing something different,” he continues. “They’d be investing THE CONSTRUC T I ON SOURCE CANADA